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Studio Hire Policy

1. Introduction

BlackBirdRedRose Studios is a professional dance studio with a Harlequin sprung dance floor which is available for hire on a lettings basis.


2. Eligible hirers

Spaces are let to groups and organisations from the commercial, community and charitable sectors. Different rates may be applied. See section 6 for prohibited activities.


3. Facilities available for letting


Main studio: 15m x 11m sprung floor, surrounding areas and heating system

Green room: With small tables and chairs, sofas and oil-filled radiators

Kitchenette: Includes kettle, hot water boiler, toaster, fridges and microwave

Toilets: 2 cubicle toilets


4. Equipment and facilities available

Chairs and tables are included

Kitchenette with kettle, urn, fridges, microwave and washing machine

Dance floor overhead heating system and water cooler

PA in main studio with cables on request


Restricted areas

No hirer shall have access to the offices, the set and prop store or the mezzanine.


5. Booking, confirmation, variation, termination and payment process

Booking of the studio space should be made via

A contact name, email address and telephone number must be given at the time of booking. A confirmation of the booking will then be sent out via email, identifying the date, time, space and cost.

Should a date or time need to be renegotiated, this must also be done through the bookings email and as much notice as possible is required in order to accommodate any changes.

If a booking has to be cancelled, then 14 days’ notice is required. If 14 days’ notice is not given, a late cancellation charge of 50% of the letting charge will be levied. This charge will be waived only in exceptional circumstances.

Termination of a regular booking requires one month’s notice to the bookings email address. For all bookings, payment for use of a space is required before the session via BACS.


BlackBirdRedRose Studio’s bank details are:

Account name:            BlackBirdRedRose Productions

Account Number:       65170535

Sort Code:                   08-92-99

6. Restrictions and prohibitions

  • No shoes are permitted on the dance floor except ballet shoes or dance shoes

  • No hirer shall have access to the offices, the set and prop store or the mezzanine

  • No loud music is permitted after 6pm as there are residential properties nearby

  • No smoking or vaping anywhere on the premises

  • If at all possible, we would prefer it if food was kept out of the studio and only consumed in the Green Room.

It is the named hirer’s responsibility to ensure that all guests are aware of and adhere to these terms of use.


7. Security

Hires within office hours will be met by studio staff.


For hires outside office hours, the hirer will access the studio key from our key safe for access. Codes will be provided. The hirer takes personal responsibility for:

  • The security of the premises during the letting period

  • Locking up and leaving the premises secure at the end of the letting period

  • The safekeeping of the key provided – BlackBirdRedRose Studios will impose a charge of £10 for each lost key. Duplicate keys must not be made.


Any variation on these arrangements must be agreed with studio staff. The main gate to the estate is locked by external security staff at 10pm.

If the security of the building is compromised during the lettings period, the hirer should contact Anne Hipperson on 07717 881130.


8. Responsibilities

Use of equipment and spaces:

The hirer is responsible for leaving hired spaces as they were found (e.g. restoring the original layout of furniture). We suggest that you take a photo of the layout before you move any furniture or unplug cables to ensure you can restore the layout correctly.

Electrical equipment

All electrical equipment brought into the premises by the hirer must have up to date PAT labelling and certification.


The hirer is responsible for the costs of putting right any damage which occurs to the premises, its equipment, goods or materials, which can reasonably be attributed to the letting activity.

Health and safety

The hirer carries primary responsibility for ensuring the health and safety of those involved in the letting activity, including members of the general public for events which are open to the public.

Should an accident happen during the letting period, the hirer must record the accident in the Accident Report Book kept in dressing table drawer in the Green Room and submit a written report via email to studio staff as soon as possible.

Where a proposed activity involves unusual features, the hirer and a member of BlackBirdRedRose Studio staff should undertake a risk assessment.

BlackBirdRedRose Studios carries responsibility for notifying the hirer of any significant or new risks presented by the premises themselves.


BlackBirdRedRose Studios provide hand sanitiser at entrances and hand soap at each sink. Depending on your activity, you may be required to clean the floor using the spray mop. The floor must ONLY be mopped with plain water with no added cleaning products. There is a special no-slip floor product which studio staff look after so no other products should be used.


Where an activity involves people aged under 18 or vulnerable adults as defined by the Independent Safeguarding Authority, the hirer must complete a declaration to confirm that its safeguarding arrangements comply with best practice.

Contents insurance

BlackBirdRedRose Studios insurance policy does not cover losses to equipment belonging to lettings groups.

Public liability insurance

The Studio’s insurers limits cover to the policyholder’s own activities. Lettings groups must therefore obtain their own policy cover.

Copyright/ performing rights

BlackBirdRedRose Studios is not a licensed performing rights venue and the onus is on the hirer to ensure their compliance with all prevailing copyright and performing rights law, and to pay any fees due.


Where large volumes of rubbish are generated by the hirer, these must be removed from the premises by the hirer and disposed of legally.


There is some designated parking to the front and side of the Studio. There is also unrestricted parking within the trading estate.

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